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Extracts details of all the user accounts configured within an Atlan instance, producing an Excel workbook consisting of 1 worksheet (named User Details) with the following columns:

Column name Usage
GUID Unique identifier for the user.
Username Unique username for the user.
First Name First name of the user.
Last Name Last name of the user.
Email Email address of the user.
Verified When true, the user's email has been verified.
Enabled When true, the user is enabled and allowed to log in to Atlan. When false, the user will be prevented from logging in to Atlan.
Role User roles, including login roles and custom roles emerging from persona associations.
Logins Number of successful logins by the user account.
Last Login Timestamp of the last successful login for the user.
Groups Atlan Groups the user is part of.
Personas Personas the user is part of, directly and by virtue of group memberships.


You can configure the following options for this reporter as environment variables:


URL for your Atlan tenant (for example:


API token to use when accessing Atlan.


Defines how many records the API calls attempt to retrieve on each request. (Defaults to 50 if not specified.)


Defines what the Excel file's name will start with. (Defaults to user-details-report if not specified.)


Defines the AWS region of the S3 bucket where you want to write the Excel file output.


Defines the S3 bucket where you want the reporter to store the Excel file output. (Note that there is no default value for this, so this must be sent for the utility to run via a Lambda function and produce consumable output — if blank (default) the reporter produces a local Excel file.)

Lambda configuration

To use this reporter as an AWS Lambda function, you can configure the same variables as above, but send them in a JSON structure:

Lambda configuration
  "BATCH_SIZE": "50",
  "FILE_PREFIX": "user-details-report",
  "REGION": "ap-south-1",
  "BUCKET": ""


By default, only messages at INFO and above will be logged (to the console). You can change this level by copying the main/resources/log4j2.xml from the source repo and modifying it to give:

  • more detail (DEBUG will log every API request and response, including their full payloads)
  • less detail (WARN will only print warnings and errors, ERROR only errors).

Running the reporters locally

You can run the reporters locally on any machine with network access to your Atlan tenant.

When run in this mode, the reporter will read the input Excel file locally on the machine running the reporter. If you want to change any of the settings, you can simply prepend the command with the environment variables.

You can run the UserReporter from a clone of the samples repository:


You will need a JDK installed to run this way, as the code must be compiled locally before it can be executed.

Run UserReporter from a clone of the GitHub repo
./gradlew UserReporter # (1)!
  1. Within the root directory of your local clone of the repo, run the Gradle task for the UserReporter.

    Overriding the configuration

    Note that you can specify any optional overrides as environment variables before running the reporter. You can either do this in the same line where you run the command, or by exporting them first for example using export FILE_PREFIX=users.

You can run the UserReporter by downloading the pre-compiled jar files for both:

  • Java SDK
  • Samples

With this approach you only need a JRE installed, as you will be using pre-compiled code.

Run UserReporter from pre-compiled jar files
java \
    -cp atlan-java-...-jar-with-dependencies.jar:atlan-java-samples-...-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
    com.atlan.samples.reporters.UserReporter # (1)!
  1. Within the directory containing the downloaded jar files, run the java command providing at least two arguments:

    1. The two jar files, separated by a :.
    2. The canonical classname of the UserReporter.

    Overriding the configuration

    Note that you can specify any optional overrides as environment variables before running the reporter. You can either do this in the same line where you run the command, or by exporting them first for example using export FILE_PREFIX=users.

    (Optional) If you want to override the logging settings, also add -Dlog4j.configurationFile=./log4j2.xml just before the canonical classname, pointing to your modified version of the log4j2.xml file.

    Replace the ... with proper version numbers

    Don't forget to replace the ... in the -cp argument's values with proper version numbers, or running this will not work.

Example output
10:37:46.821 [main] INFO  com.atlan.samples.reporters.UserReporter - Retrieving user details for tenant:
10:37:50.403 [main] INFO  com.atlan.samples.reporters.UserReporter - Creating Excel file (in-memory)...
10:37:52.740 [main] INFO  com.atlan.samples.reporters.UserReporter - Writing report to file: users-20230710-093746-818.xlsx
More details
  • The final line will always tell you the name of the Excel file that it produced.