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Data model metamodel

Reference documentation

This is reference documentation covering the entire Atlan model. It is not the best place to start when trying to understand how to manage data model assets in Atlan. For that, we would suggest starting with the manage data model assets pattern (coming soon).

These model elements all deal with data model constructs.

    direction RL
    class Model {
    class Catalog {
    link Catalog "../entities/catalog"
    Catalog <|-- Model : extends
    class Asset {
    link Asset "../entities/asset"
    Asset <|-- Catalog : extends
    class Referenceable {
    link Referenceable "../entities/referenceable"
    Referenceable <|-- Asset : extends
    class ModelDataModel
    link ModelDataModel "../entities/modeldatamodel"
    Model <|-- ModelDataModel : extends
    class ModelVersion
    link ModelVersion "../entities/modelversion"
    Model <|-- ModelVersion : extends
    class ModelEntity
    link ModelEntity "../entities/modelentity"
    Model <|-- ModelEntity : extends
    class ModelAttribute
    link ModelAttribute "../entities/modelattribute"
    Model <|-- ModelAttribute : extends
    class ModelEntityAssociation
    link ModelEntityAssociation "../entities/modelentityassociation"
    Model <|-- ModelEntityAssociation : extends
    class ModelAttributeAssociation
    link ModelAttributeAssociation "../entities/modelattributeassociation"
    Model <|-- ModelAttributeAssociation : extends


These attributes are unique to instances of Model (and all of its subtypes).


Business date for the asset.


Model domain in which this asset exists.


Simple name of the entity in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model entity.


Unique name of the entity in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model entity.


Business expiration date for the asset.


System expiration date for the asset.


Simple name of the model in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model.


Model namespace in which this asset exists.


Unique name of the model in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model.


System date for the asset.


Type of the model asset (conceptual, logical, physical).


Unique name of the parent in which this asset exists, irrespective of the version (always implies the latest version).


Simple name of the version in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model version.


Unique name of the version in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model version.


The following illustrates how the various data model objects inter-relate with each other:

    Connection ||..o{ ModelDataModel : ""
    ModelDataModel ||--o{ ModelVersion : modelVersions
    ModelVersion }|--o{ ModelEntity : modelVersionEntities
    ModelEntity ||--o{ ModelAttribute : modelEntityAttributes
    ModelEntity ||--o{ ModelEntityAssociation: modelEntityRelatedToEntities
    ModelEntityAssociation }o--|| ModelEntity: modelEntityAssociationTo
    ModelEntity }o--o{ ModelEntity: modelEntityMappedToEntities
    ModelAttribute ||--o{ ModelAttributeAssociation: modelAttributeRelatedToAttributes
    ModelAttributeAssociation }o--|| ModelAttribute: modelAttributeAssociationTo
    ModelAttribute }o--o{ ModelAttribute: modelAttributeMappedToAttributes