Following is a list of all API endpoints and the use cases they enable:
- End-to-end bulk update
- Operate on multiple assets
- Manage Azure Data Lake Storage assets
- Manage Airflow assets
- Manage API assets
- Manage App assets
- Manage AWS S3 assets
- Manage Azure Event Hub assets
- Manage cube assets
- Manage file assets
- Manage Google Cloud Storage assets
- Manage Google Data Studio assets
- Manage Insights assets
- Manage Kafka assets
- Manage Preset assets
- Manage RDMS assets
- Manage Superset assets
- Managing personas
- Managing policies
- Managing purposes
- Combining multiple operations
- Creating an asset
- Restoring assets
- Updating an asset
- Manage announcements
- Certify assets
- Manage custom metadata on assets
- Manage asset descriptions
- Link data domain and assets
- Manage asset owners
- Asset READMEs
- Asset resources/links
- Manage asset tags
- Link terms and assets
- Categorize terms
- Glossary category hierarchy
- Creating glossary objects
- Manage lineage
- Manage popularity insights
- Manage column profiling
- Managing data domains
- Managing data products
- End-to-end bulk update
- Limiting search result details
- Paging search results
- Sorting search results
- Aggregating search results
- Common search fields
- Querying overview
- Compound queries
- Term-level queries overview
- Managing personas
- Managing policies
- Managing purposes
- Searching for assets
- Find and apply suggestions to an asset
- Search examples
- Traverse glossary categories
- Fetch glossary objects by name
- Manage custom metadata badges
- Create custom metadata
- Manage options (enumerations)
- Manage Atlan tags
- Athena assets package
- BigQuery assets package
- Confluent Kafka assets package
- Databricks assets package
- Databricks miner package
- dbt assets package
- DynamoDB assets package
- Fivetran enrichment package
- Glue assets package
- Looker assets package
- MongoDB assets package
- Oracle assets package
- Postgres assets package
- Power BI assets package
- Redshift assets package
- Sigma assets package
- Snowflake assets package
- Snowflake miner package
- SQL Server package
- Tableau assets package
- Athena assets package
- BigQuery assets package
- Confluent Kafka assets package
- Databricks assets package
- Databricks miner package
- dbt assets package
- DynamoDB assets package
- Fivetran enrichment package
- Glue assets package
- Looker assets package
- MongoDB assets package
- Oracle assets package
- Postgres assets package
- Power BI assets package
- Redshift assets package
- Sigma assets package
- Snowflake assets package
- Snowflake miner package
- SQL Server package
- Tableau assets package