Test the baseline UX
Add to atlanhq/atlan-frontend
Once your model is rendered, you then need to add it to the atlanhq/atlan-frontend repository:
Clone atlanhq/atlan-frontend to your local machine (if you have not already):
git clone git@github.com:atlanhq/atlan-frontend.git # (1)! cd atlan-frontend
- This assumes you have configured your Git client with appropriate credentials. If this step fails, you'll need to setup
- This assumes you have configured your Git client with appropriate credentials. If this step fails, you'll need to setup
Start from an up-to-date
branch (in particular if you already have the repository cloned locally):git checkout main git merge origin/main
Create a branch in the local repository:
git branch JIRA-TASK-ID # (1)! git checkout JIRA-TASK-ID
- Replace
with the unique ID of the task in Jira where you are tracking your work.
- Replace
Move the generated front-end files to the cloned repository.
Move the generated typedef JSONs:
mv .../tmp/frontend/src/api/schemas/metastore/atlas/entityDefs/* \ src/api/schemas/metastore/atlas/entityDefs/Referenceable/Asset/Catalog/. # (1)!
The target directory is the appropriate location within the front-end-embedded model for the rendered JSON.
In this example, since our top-level supertype was
, we place the files under.../Referenceable/Asset/Catalog/.
.If you had instead directly extended
, you would move the files under.../Referenceable/Asset/.
Copy / move the connection icon file:
cp .../somewhere/.../Custom.svg \ # (1)! src/assets/images/source/svg/Custom.svg
- The icon file itself is not part of the Pkl model. You will need to copy the icon image from wherever you are managing it locally to this appropriate location in the atlan-frontend repository.
(Optional) Copy / move any icon files (not necessary if you are only reusing existing icons):
ls .../tmp/frontend/src/assets/images/icons/* # (1)! cp .../somewhere/.../*.svg \ src/assets/images/icons/.
The icon files themselves are not part of the Pkl model. What you will see listed under the generated directory are filenames ending with
indicating the names of icons that you referenced somewhere in your model.If these are new icons you want to add, you need to move them into the
directory of the atlan-frontend repository.
(Optional) Merge icon snippets (not necessary if you are only reusing existing icons):
src/components/common/icon/iconMap.tsimport { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue' // source list import Snowflake from '~/assets/images/source/svg/Snowflake.svg' ... // *** COPY / PASTE START *** (1) import DatabaseGray from '~/assets/images/icons/database-gray.svg', import Database from '~/assets/images/icons/database.svg', import TableGray from '~/assets/images/icons/table-gray.svg', import Table from '~/assets/images/icons/table.svg', import ColumnGray from '~/assets/images/icons/column-gray.svg', import Column from '~/assets/images/icons/column.svg', // *** END COPY / PASTE *** // Don't remove below comment used by plop // INSERT NEW ICON IMPORT HERE import Rule from '~/assets/images/icons/rule.svg' ... export default { // Don't remove below comment used by plop // INSERT RETURN HERE ... // *** COPY / PASTE START *** DatabaseGray, Database, TableGray, Table, ColumnGray, Column, // *** END COPY / PASTE *** ... }
Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
and*** END COPY / PASTE ***
Beware of duplicates
Note that when you are reusing existing icons, you need to be careful not to introduce any duplicates into the target
(Optional) Merge breadcrumb snippets (not necessary if you have not defined any breadcrumb for your new asset types):
src/components/common/widgets/summary/types/parentAssetInline.vue<template> <div class="flex items-center gap-x-1.5 gap-y-1"> <!-- *** COPY / PASTE START *** (1) --> <AssetItemFilterTooltip v-if="isCustomAsset(asset) && customDatasetName(asset) && !isCompact" type="CustomDataset" icon="DatabaseGray" :title="customDatasetName(asset)" :hideSearch="page !== 'assets'" :showDrawerIcon="page !== 'assets'" :isButtonHidden="isAssetPartial" :showCaret=" !page.startsWith('excel') && !page.startsWith('gsheets') " @guidToFetch=" handleOpenDrawer('customDatasetQualifiedName', customDatasetQualifiedName(asset)) " /> <AssetItemFilterTooltip v-if="isCustomAsset(asset) && customTableName(asset) && !isCompact" type="CustomTable" icon="TableGray" :title="customTableName(asset)" :hideSearch="page !== 'assets'" :showDrawerIcon="page !== 'assets'" :isButtonHidden="isAssetPartial" :showCaret=" !page.startsWith('excel') && !page.startsWith('gsheets') " @guidToFetch=" handleOpenDrawer('customTableQualifiedName', customTableQualifiedName(asset)) " /> <!-- *** END COPY / PASTE *** --> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { computed, defineComponent, PropType, toRefs } from 'vue' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { Tooltip as AntTooltip } from 'ant-design-vue' // Composables import useAssetInfo from '~/composables/discovery/useAssetInfo' import { getPluralString } from '~/utils/number' <!-- *** COPY / PASTE START *** --> import useCustomInfo from '~/constant/source/custom/methods' <!-- *** END COPY / PASTE *** --> // Types import { assetInterface } from '~/types/assets/asset.interface' // Components import AssetItemFilterTooltip from '~/components/common/assets/misc/assetItemFilterTooltip.vue' import AtlanIcon from '@/common/icon/atlanIcon.vue' export default defineComponent({ components: { AssetItemFilterTooltip, AtlanIcon, AntTooltip }, props: { asset: { type: Object as PropType<assetInterface>, required: true, }, preference: { type: Object, required: false, default() { return {} }, }, page: { type: String, required: false, default: 'notAssets', }, isCompact: { type: Boolean, default: false, required: false, }, }, emits: ['guidToFetch', 'handleBrowseAsset', 'qfToFetch'], setup(props, { emit }) { const { t } = useI18n() const { ... } = useAssetInfo() <!-- *** COPY / PASTE START *** --> const { customDatasetQualifiedName, customDatasetName, customTableQualifiedName, customTableName, isCustomAsset, } = useCustomInfo() <!-- *** END COPY / PASTE *** --> const { page } = toRefs(props) // Computed Methods ... return { ... t, <!-- *** COPY / PASTE START *** --> customDatasetQualifiedName, customDatasetName, customTableQualifiedName, customTableName, isCustomAsset, <!-- *** END COPY / PASTE *** --> } }, }) </script>
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
and*** END COPY / PASTE ***
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
Move the generated type-specific attributes, methods and layouts:
mv .../tmp/frontend/src/constant/source/<type> \ # (1)! src/constant/source/.
- Replace
with the generated directory name that matches your specific typedef model.
- Replace
Merge index snippets:
src/constant/source/index.ts// *** COPY / PASTE START *** (1) import * as custom from './custom' // *** END COPY / PASTE *** import { assetTypeList as atlanNativeAssetTypes } from './atlanNative/assetTypes' import { assetTypeInterface } from '~/types/sourceConfigs/assetType.interface' import { TAGS_ASSET_TYPENAMES } from '~/constant/governance/classification' // Utils import { autoIncrementGroupOrder } from '~/utils/sourceConfig/groupOrder' import { getAssetTypes } from './bi/preset/getAssetTypes' // An array of all sources, including SQL, BI, SaaS, objectStore, API, ELT, and eventStore. export const SourceList = [ ...Object.values(queryableSql).map((component) => component.default), ...Object.values(nonQueryableSql).map((component) => component.default), ... // *** COPY / PASTE START *** ...Object.values(custom).map((component) => component.default), // *** END COPY / PASTE *** api.default, ] ... export const SuperTypeNameEnum = { SQL: 'SQL', BI: 'BI', SaaS: 'SaaS', ... // *** COPY / PASTE START *** Custom: 'Custom', // *** END COPY / PASTE *** }
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
and*** END COPY / PASTE ***
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
Merge projection snippets:
src/constant/projection.tsimport { PolicyAttributes } from '~/constant/_projection' import { CalculationViewMinimalAttributes, CalculationViewAdditionalAttributes, } from '~/constant/source/sql/common/attributes/calculationView' ... // *** COPY / PASTE START *** (1) import { CustomDatasetAttributes } from '~/constant/source/custom/attributes/customDataset' import { CustomTableAttributes } from '~/constant/source/custom/attributes/customTable' import { CustomFieldAttributes } from '~/constant/source/custom/attributes/customField' // *** END COPY / PASTE *** ... export const AssetAttributes = [ // *** COPY / PASTE START *** ...CustomDatasetAttributes, ...CustomTableAttributes, ...CustomFieldAttributes, // *** END COPY / PASTE *** ]
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
and*** END COPY / PASTE ***
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
Merge useBody snippets:
src/composables/discovery/useBody.ts... export function applyFilters({ facets, base, connectorName, state, }: { facets: Record<string, any> base: Bodybuilder connectorName?: string state: Ref<string> }) { const authStore = useAuthStore() // filters Object.keys(facets ?? {})?.forEach((mkey) => { const filterObject = facets[mkey] switch (mkey) { ... // *** COPY / PASTE START *** (1) case 'customDatasetQualifiedName': case 'customTableQualifiedName': // *** END COPY / PASTE *** case 'cubeQualifiedName': case 'cubeDimensionQualifiedName': case 'cubeParentFieldQualifiedName': case 'cubeHierarchyQualifiedName': { if (filterObject) { base.filter('term', mkey, filterObject) } break } ... } }) }
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
and*** END COPY / PASTE ***
- Only copy across the highlighted lines between the comments
Merge locale snippets:
src/locales/en.json"Dataset": "Dataset" // (1)! "Datasets": "Datasets" "Table": "Table" "Tables": "Tables" "Rating": "Rating" "Ratings": "Ratings" "Field": "Field" "Fields": "Fields" "Temperature": "Temperature" "Temperatures": "Temperatures"
Copy across the name-value pairs.
Beware of duplicates
Note that any of your labels could already exist in the file, so you should check for duplicates.
Stage your new and modified UX files:
git add src/ # (1)!
- If you have made other changes locally that you do not want to stage, specify individual files instead of using this all-encompassing stage.
Commit your revised UX files to the branch:
git commit -m 'feat: new UX for ...' # (1)!
- Provide a meaningful message for the new UX you're adding. (This tells
to take a (local) snapshot of all the changes you staged (above).)
- Provide a meaningful message for the new UX you're adding. (This tells
Push your committed changes to the remote repository:
git push --set-upstream origin JIRA-TASK-ID # (1)!
- Remember that
is just a placeholder — replace with the name of your actual branch. (This tellsgit
to push all the (local) commits you've made against this branch to the remote GitHub repository, so they're available to everyone there.)
- Remember that
Test UX locally¶
You must first install pnpm
Install the latest required front-end modules:
pnpm install
Generate the latest types based on the typedef files you copied into the repository:
pnpm generate:api
Update your local development environment tenant:
.env.development 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
# Must configure tenant to allow localhost front-end (1) VITE_CLIENT_ID=atlan-frontend VITE_DEFAULT_REALM=default VITE_DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT=30000 VITE_DEV_API_BASE_URL=https://tenant-name.atlan.com VITE_ENABLE_EVENTS_TRACKING=false VITE_SEGMENT_ANALYTICS_KEY=... VITE_LAUNCH_DARKLY_KEY=...
- TODO: extra steps for configuring the tenant to allow a localhost front-end
Run the UI on your localhost:
pnpm dev
Once the command above completes, it will open your browser to http://localhost:3333 running the Atlan UI with any changes you have locally against all the metadata available in the tenant you've configured it against.
Create assets of the new type and test
Create some new instances of assets of your new type(s) and test the UX behaves as you like.