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Test your model Currently only usable by Atlanians

Add to atlanhq/models

Once your model is rendered, you then need to add it to the atlanhq/models repository:

  1. Clone atlanhq/models to your local machine (if you have not already):

    git clone  # (1)!
    cd models
    1. This assumes you have configured your Git client with appropriate credentials. If this step fails, you'll need to setup git first.
  2. Start from an up-to-date master branch (in particular if you already have the repository cloned locally):

    git checkout master
    git merge origin/master
  3. Create a branch in the local repository:

    git branch JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
    git checkout JIRA-TASK-ID
    1. Replace JIRA-TASK-ID with the unique ID of the task in Jira where you are tracking your work.
  4. Move the generated model files to the cloned repository:

    mv .../tmp/models/* atlas/entityDefs/Referenceable/Asset/Catalog/.  # (1)!
    1. The first directory should be the path to wherever you generated the files from the pkl command when rendering your model. The second directory is the appropriate location within the models repository for the rendered JSON.

      In this example, since our top-level supertype was Catalog, we place the files under Referenceable/Asset/Catalog/..

      If you had instead directly extended Asset, you would move the files under Referenceable/Asset/..

  5. Stage your new model files:

    git add atlas/entityDefs/Referenceable/Asset/Catalog/  # (1)!
    1. As above, if the files you added are in a different path, stage them from that different path. (This tells git which files to include all together in your next commit.)
  6. Commit your new model files to the branch:

    git commit -m 'New model for ...'  # (1)!
    1. Provide a meaningful message for the new model you're adding. (This tells git to take a (local) snapshot of all the changes you staged (above).)
  7. Push your committed changes to the remote repository:

    git push --set-upstream origin JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
    1. Remember that JIRA-TASK-ID is just a placeholder — replace with the name of your actual branch. (This tells git to push all the (local) commits you've made against this branch to the remote GitHub repository, so they're available to everyone there.)

Canary your model

Development purposes only

These steps should only be applied to internal development tenants, where you can safely reset the tenant (erasing all metadata) to make changes.

If you have kubectl access to your cluster, you can "canary" your model directly:

  1. Ensure you are on your cluster:

    loft use vcluster <tenant-name> --project default # (1)!
    1. Replace <tenant-name> with the name of your tenant. (This assumes you are already logged in to Loft — naturally log in there first, if you are not already.)
  2. Modify the modelsBranch value in the atlan-runtime-packages-config configmap:

    EDITOR=vim \ # (1)!
    kubectl edit cm atlan-runtime-packages-config
    1. Set whatever editor you prefer, but be sure it blocks until you have completed editing the configmap.
    # Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
    # and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
    # reopened with the relevant failures.
    apiVersion: v1
      channel: master
      marketplacePackagesBranch: master
      marketplaceScriptsBranch: master
      modelsBranch: JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
      packagesConfig: |
      version: latest
    kind: ConfigMap
    1. Set the value of modelsBranch to the name of the branch you pushed to atlanhq/models .
  3. Quickly run the steps below to seed the development tenant. (A cron job may overwrite the value you just changed above back to master or whatever value is defined in the alternative approach described in the GitHub tab.)

If you do not have kubectl access to your cluster, you will need to "canary" the model through the atlanhq/marketplace-packages repository.

  1. Clone atlanhq/marketplace-packages to your local machine (if you have not already):

    git clone  # (1)!
    cd marketplace-packages
    1. This assumes you have configured your Git client with appropriate credentials. If this step fails, you'll need to setup git first.
  2. Start from an up-to-date master branch (in particular if you already have the repository cloned locally):

    git checkout master
    git merge origin/master
  3. Create a branch in the local repository:

    git branch JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
    git checkout JIRA-TASK-ID
    1. Replace JIRA-TASK-ID with the unique ID of the task in Jira where you are tracking your work.
  4. Create or edit the file deployment/tenants/<tenant-name>.pkl for the tenant where you want to canary the typedefs, with at least the following content:

    amends "../Deployment.pkl"
    modelsBranch = "JIRA-TASK-ID"
  5. Stage your new (or modified) .pkl file:

    git add deployment/tenants/<tenant-name>.pkl  # (1)!
    1. Remember to replace <tenant-name> with your actual tenant name. (This tells git which files to include all together in your next commit.)
  6. Commit your new (or modified) file to the branch:

    git commit -m 'Model canary for ...'  # (1)!
    1. Provide a meaningful message for the new model you're canarying. (This tells git to take a (local) snapshot of all the changes you staged (above).)
  7. Push your committed changes to the remote repository:

    git push --set-upstream origin JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
    1. Remember that JIRA-TASK-ID is just a placeholder — replace with the name of your actual branch. (This tells git to push all the (local) commits you've made against this branch to the remote GitHub repository, so they're available to everyone there.)
  8. Raise a pull request (PR) from your branch (JIRA-TASK-ID) to master on atlanhq/marketplace-packages .

  9. As long as you did not make any mistakes in the filename or its contents, your PR will be automatically approved by a bot within a few minutes. You can then self-merge it.

  10. Once the PR is merged, wait for the atlan-update script to run and complete on your tenant. By default it will run every 30 minutes, so could take up to 1 hour before it has completed on your tenant.1

Seed development tenant

Once the canary is set:

  1. Log in to Argo on your tenant by going to and clicking the left-most Login button.
  2. Then open and click the Submit button in the upper-right.
  3. In the resulting dialog, click the Submit button.

Once this workflow completes (successfully), the typedefs will be available in that tenant.

  1. It is also possible that synchronization has been disabled on your tenant, in which case atlan-update may not run at all. If that is the case, you will need to speak with whoever manages your tenant to see how you can test your typedefs.