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Release (GA) your typedefs Currently only usable by Atlanians

GA the model

Only do this after first testing the model and its UX

Be sure to first test your model and test the baseline UX before requesting your typedef become generally available, to validate that you have everything as you want it. Making changes to typedefs after-the-fact can be problematic or impossible in many cases.

title: atlanhq/models
    mainBranchName: master
    git0: "#00BAD6"
    git1: "#3C71DF"
    git2: "#3C71DF"
    git3: "#F34D77"
gitGraph LR:
    commit id:"Once upon a time"
    branch beta
    branch staging
    checkout master
    commit id:"Now"
    branch JIRA-TASK-ID
    checkout JIRA-TASK-ID
    commit id:"Commit typedefs"
    checkout beta
    commit id:"Raise beta PR"
    merge JIRA-TASK-ID tag:"Test beta"
    checkout staging
    commit id:"Raise staging PR"
    merge JIRA-TASK-ID tag:"Test staging"
    checkout master
    commit id:"Raise master PR"
    merge JIRA-TASK-ID tag:"GA"

Once you are happy with your typedef model and want to make it generally available for all:

  1. Raise a pull request (PR) from your branch (JIRA-TASK-ID) to beta on atlanhq/models .
  2. Request someone review the PR by posting a simple message with a link to the PR on #collab-models .

Once approved and merged to beta, you'll need to do the same to both staging and master:

  1. Raise a pull request (PR) from your branch (JIRA-TASK-ID) to staging on atlanhq/models .
  2. Request someone review the PR by posting a simple message with a link to the PR on #collab-models .
  3. Raise a pull request (PR) from your branch (JIRA-TASK-ID) to master on atlanhq/models .
  4. Request someone review the PR by posting a simple message with a link to the PR on #collab-models .

GA the UX

title: atlanhq/atlan-frontend
    git0: "#00BAD6"
    git1: "#3C71DF"
    git2: "#F34D77"
gitGraph LR:
    commit id:"Once upon a time"
    branch develop
    checkout main
    commit id:"Now"
    branch JIRA-TASK-ID
    checkout JIRA-TASK-ID
    commit id:"Commit code"
    checkout develop
    commit id:"Raise develop PR"
    merge JIRA-TASK-ID tag:"Staged for release"
    checkout main
    merge develop tag:"GA"

Once your typedef is generally-available and you are happy with the baseline UX:

  1. Raise a pull request (PR) from your branch (JIRA-TASK-ID) to develop on atlanhq/atlan-frontend .
  2. Request someone review the PR by posting a simple message with a link to the PR on #team-frontend .

Once approved and merged to develop, the front-end will automatically propagate through to main over the course of 3 business days. (Once in main it will be generally-available on all tenants.)