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Typedef toolkit Currently only usable by Atlanians

With the typedef toolkit you can model your unique metadata and make it available as first-class objects in Atlan.

We use a Pkl model to restrict the way you define the custom model so that it precisely fits the best practices and structures available in Atlan's underlying metadata model.

Overview of the process

  mirrorActors: false
    actor you as You
    loop Until testing is successful
        create participant ide as IDE
        you->>ide: Define your typedefs
        create participant pkl as Pkl CLI
        you->>+pkl: Render your typedefs
        destroy pkl
        pkl-->>-you: JSON and UX code
        create participant atl as Atlan tenant
        you->>atl: Deploy your typedefs
        you->>ide: Implement SDK templates
        you->>+ide: Regenerate SDK bindings
        you->>ide: Implement integration tests
        you->>+ide: Run integration tests
        ide->>+atl: (breakpoint before cleanup)
        you->>+atl: Test UX (assets present, discoverable, etc)
        destroy atl
        atl-->>-ide: (continue from breakpoint, allowing cleanup)
        destroy ide
    create participant git as GitHub
    you-)git: Raise PRs (release)