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Release (GA) the package Currently only usable by Atlanians

For your package to actually be usable by others, it needs to be committed to an internal Atlan repository.

Add to atlanhq/marketplace-packages

Commit the package's definition to the atlanhq/marketplace-packages repository.

  1. Clone atlanhq/marketplace-packages to your local machine (if you have not already):

    git clone  # (1)!
    cd marketplace-packages
    1. This assumes you have configured your Git client with appropriate credentials. If this step fails, you'll need to setup git first.
  2. Start from an up-to-date master branch (in particular if you already have the repository cloned locally):

    git checkout master
    git merge origin/master
  3. Create a branch in the local repository:

    git branch JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
    git checkout JIRA-TASK-ID
    1. Replace JIRA-TASK-ID with the unique ID of the task in Jira where you are tracking your work.
  4. Move your rendered package outputs to a new folder under packages/csa:

    mv .../build/package/csa-openapi-spec-loader \
        packages/csa/openapi-spec-loader  # (1)!
    1. Of course, use your own package's ID in place of csa-openapi-spec-loader.

      Remove the prefix portion of the name from the folder

      Also be careful to remove the csa- prefix portion of the folder when you move it across. Note in this example that the source folder of csa-openapi-spec-loader becomes just openapi-spec-loader in the target directory within the repository.

  5. Ensure your new package's directory and your GitHub ID are added to the end of the CODEOWNERS file. This will allow you to self-manage any changes to the package going forward (without forcing you to have PR reviews):

    /packages/csa/openapi-spec-loader/    @cmgrote
  6. Stage your new (or modified) package files (and CODEOWNERS, if this is the first time you're committing the package):

    git add CODEOWNERS packages/csa/openapi-spec-loader  # (1)!
    1. Remember to replace openapi-spec-loader with your actual package's folder. (This tells git which files to include all together in your next commit.)
  7. Commit your new (or modified) files to the branch:

    git commit -m 'feat: ...'  # (1)!
    1. Provide a meaningful message for the new package (feat: ...) or whatever changes you've made to it (fix: ...).
  8. Push your committed changes to the remote repository:

    git push --set-upstream origin JIRA-TASK-ID  # (1)!
    1. Remember that JIRA-TASK-ID is just a placeholder — replace with the name of your actual branch. (This tells git to push all the (local) commits you've made against this branch to the remote GitHub repository, so they're available to everyone there.)
  9. Raise a pull request (PR) from your branch (JIRA-TASK-ID) to master on atlanhq/marketplace-packages .

  10. Request someone review the PR by posting a simple message with a link to the PR on #collab-marketplace .

    Only necessary the first time

    If you've followed the instructions above on adding yourself to CODEOWNERS, this initial PR should be the only one that needs to be reviewed and approved. Any future changes or updates you make to the package you should be able to merge yourself without any further PR reviews.

Deploy the package

Once merged to master of atlanhq/marketplace-packages , anyone who wants to use it can follow the steps for GitHub under test your package, live on a tenant to deploy it to their tenant.