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Toolkits Currently only usable by Atlanians

Writing code is great, but there additional frameworks you can use to tap more directly into Atlan.

In this Toolkits section you will find details about these frameworks.

Internal use only

For now, these toolkits are only available for Atlanians 🧑‍🚀. However, they should give a sense for our longer-term ambitions for developers.

  • 📦 Packages

    Your integration or automation, available in Atlan's marketplace of packages.

    Bundle for reuse

  • 🌟 Typedefs

    Your unique metadata modeled and available as first-class objects in Atlan.

    Design custom assets

How they work

Our toolkits are mostly built on Pkl , a configuration language developed by Apple.

This allows you to develop your idea:

  • Safely, based on a guard-railed set of options
  • Independently from any specific programming language
  • Offline from a running Atlan tenant

We can then automatically translate that into the necessary bindings for Atlan's:

  • UI widgets
  • Data model
  • Orchestration plane

Get started

To get started, you'll need to install pkl and configure its plugin in your favorite IDE.

Install pkl

Start by installing the pkl CLI :

brew install pkl
curl -L -o pkl
chmod +x pkl
curl -L -o pkl
chmod +x pkl
curl -L -o pkl
chmod +x pkl
curl -L -o jpkl
chmod +x jpkl

Note the CLI command is jpkl

On Windows (or any other platform using the Java executable), the command is jpkl rather than pkl.

Configure in an IDE

Then configure pkl in your favorite IDE:

For now you'll have to rely on Pkl's own instructions .

For now you'll have to rely on Pkl's own instructions .