The qualifiedName should follow the pattern: <parentQualifiedName>/domain/<lowerCamelCaseName>.
You must provide the qualifiedName of the parent domain.
Provide a superDomainQualifiedName for the data domain under which you want to create this sub-domain.
If creating a sub-domain under another sub-domains (ie. nested sub-domains), this should be the qualified name of the root-level domain.
You must also specify a relationship to the parent domain, in this example through its qualifiedName.
DataDomaindomain=DataDomain.updater("default/domain/marketing",// (1)"Marketing").userDescription("Now with a description!")// (2).build();// (3);// (4)
Use the updater() method to update a data domain, providing the qualifiedName and name of the data domain.
You can chain onto the updater any other enrichment, for example changing the domain's description.
You then need to build the object.
You can then save() the object you've built to update the data domain in Atlan.
Update a data domain
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
frompyatlan.client.atlanimportAtlanClientfrompyatlan.model.assetsimportDataDomainclient=AtlanClient()data_domain=DataDomain.updater(# (1)qualified_name="default/domain/marketing",# (2)name="Marketing",# (3))data_domain.user_description="Now with a description!"# (4) (5)
Use the updater() method to update a data domain.
You must provide the qualifiedName of the data domain.
You must provide the name of the data domain.
You can then add on any other updates, such as changing the user description of the data domain.
To update the data domain in Atlan, call the save() method with the object you've built.
Update a data domain
valdomain=DataDomain.updater("default/domain/marketing",// (1)"Marketing").userDescription("Now with a description!")// (2).build()// (3) (4)
Use the updater() method to update a data domain, providing the qualifiedName and name of the data domain.
You can chain onto the updater any other enrichment, for example changing the domain's description.
You then need to build the object.
You can then save() the object you've built to update the data domain in Atlan.
POST /api/meta/entity/bulk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
{"entities":[{"typeName":"DataDomain",// (1)"attributes":{"name":"Marketing",// (2)"qualifiedName":"default/domain/marketing",// (3)"userDescription":"Now with a description!"// (4)},}]}
The typeName must be exactly DataDomain.
Human-readable name for your data domain.
You must provide the the qualifiedName of the domain to update.
You can add on any other updates, such as changing the user description of the data domain.