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API tokens

API tokens are a way to provide programmatic access to Atlan without relying on a user's own credentials or permissions.

API tokens are not personal access tokens

API tokens are commonly thought to be synonymous with personal access tokens (PAT). In other words, many developers assume that an API token will have the same privileges and permissions as the user who created them. This is not the case. API tokens are their own unique actor and carry entirely their own set of permissions, completely independent from the user who created or otherwise maintains them.

Create an API token

1.4.0 1.0.0

To create a new API token:

Create an API token
ApiToken token = ApiToken.create("token-name"); // (1)
String tokenValue = token.getAttributes().getAccessToken(); // (2)
  1. You can use the ApiToken.create() method to create a new API token.
  2. The actual value of the API token will only be available in this immediate response of the creation, under .getAttributes().getAccessToken().

    Cannot be accessed again later

    You will not be able to retrieve the actual value of the API token again at a later point, for example when retrieving or updating the API token.

Create an API token
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

client = AtlanClient()
token = client.token.create("token-name")  # (1)
token_value = token.attributes.access_token  # (2)
  1. You can use the token.create() method to create a new API token.
  2. The actual value of the API token will only be available in this immediate response of the creation, under .attributes.access_token.

    Cannot be accessed again later

    You will not be able to retrieve the actual value of the API token again at a later point, for example when retrieving or updating the API token.

Create an API token
val token = ApiToken.create("token-name") // (1)
val tokenValue = token.attributes.accessToken // (2)
  1. You can use the ApiToken.create() method to create a new API token.
  2. The actual value of the API token will only be available in this immediate response of the creation, under .attributes.accessToken.

    Cannot be accessed again later

    You will not be able to retrieve the actual value of the API token again at a later point, for example when retrieving or updating the API token.

POST /api/service/apikeys
  "displayName": "token-name", // (1)
  "description": "", // (2)
  "personas": [], // (3)
  "personaQualifiedNames": [], // (4)
  "validitySeconds": 409968000 // (5)
  1. You must provide a name for the token when creating it.
  2. You can optionally provide a description, but even if you do not want to provide a description must send an empty string for it in the request.
  3. You must always send an empty personas array (this is now unused, but still required).
  4. You can optionally list personas to link the API token with, but even if you do not send any must send an empty list. If you are linking the API token to one or more personas, use their qualified_name in the list.

    Must be complete set you want linked to the API token

    Any personas you leave out of the set will be removed from the API token, if they are already associated with it. (Further, if you send an empty set or no value at all for personas in the update, then ALL linked personas will be removed from the token.)

  5. You also need to specify how long the API token should last before automatically expiring. The value of 409968000 will be interpreted as never expiring.

Retrieve an API token

1.4.0 1.0.0

You can retrieve an API token either by its name or its client ID (the name used when it is associated with some other object).

Retrieve an API token by name
ApiToken token = ApiToken.retrieveByName("token-name"); // (1)
  1. The retrieveByName() method handles fetching the API token based on its name.
Retrieve an API token by ID
ApiToken token = Atlan.getDefaultClient().apiTokens.getById("apikey-ac69de56-6529-4c8f-b53c-791cb5346308"); // (1)
  1. The getById() method on the apiTokens member of any client handles fetching the API token based on its client ID. This is the same as the username that will be captured when an API token is assigned to an asset without the service-account- prefix.
Retrieve an API token by name
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

client = AtlanClient()
token = client.token.get_by_name("token-name")  # (1)
  1. The token.get_by_name() method handles fetching the API token based on its name.
Retrieve an API token by ID
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

client = AtlanClient()
token = client.token.get_by_id("apikey-ac69de56-6529-4c8f-b53c-791cb5346308")  # (1)
  1. The token.get_by_id() method handles fetching the API token based on its client ID. This is the same as the username that will be captured when an API token is assigned to an asset without the service-account- prefix.
Retrieve an API token by name
val token = ApiToken.retrieveByName("token-name") // (1)
  1. The retrieveByName() method handles fetching the API token based on its name.
Retrieve an API token by ID
val token = Atlan.getDefaultClient().apiTokens.getById("apikey-ac69de56-6529-4c8f-b53c-791cb5346308") // (1)
  1. The getById() method on the apiTokens member of any client handles fetching the API token based on its client ID. This is the same as the username that will be captured when an API token is assigned to an asset without the service-account- prefix.
GET /api/service/apikeys?limit=2&offset=0&sort=-createdAt&filter={"displayName":"token-name"}
// (1)
  1. The search criteria for retrieving an API token by its name is embedded as query parmeters in the request URL.
GET /api/service/apikeys?limit=2&offset=0&sort=-createdAt&filter={"clientId":"apikey-ac69de56-6529-4c8f-b53c-791cb5346308"}
// (1)
  1. The search criteria for retrieving an API token by its name is embedded as query parmeters in the request URL.

Update an API token

1.4.0 1.0.0

There is limited information to update on an API token:

Update an API token
ApiToken token = ApiToken.retrieveByName("token-name"); // (1)
ApiToken revised = token.toBuilder() // (2)
        .description("Now with a description.") // (3)
ApiToken updated = revised.update(); // (4)
  1. You are best first retrieving the API token you want to update.
  2. You can then use the builder pattern to update information within that token, such as its description.
  3. Note that some information, like description, is embedded within the attributes of the token.
  4. You can then send the revised token information to Atlan to be updated.
Delete an API token
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

client = AtlanClient()
token = client.token.get_by_name("token-name")  # (1)
client.token.update(  # (2)
    description="Now with a description.",
  1. You are best first retrieving the API token you want to update.
  2. You can then send the revised token information to Atlan to be updated using the token.update() method, and passing the updated information (like the new description).
Update an API token
val token = ApiToken.retrieveByName("token-name") // (1)
val revised = token.toBuilder() // (2)
        .description("Now with a description.") // (3)
val updated = revised.update() // (4)
  1. You are best first retrieving the API token you want to update.
  2. You can then use the builder pattern to update information within that token, such as its description.
  3. Note that some information, like description, is embedded within the attributes of the token.
  4. You can then send the revised token information to Atlan to be updated.
POST /api/service/apikeys/98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044
  "displayName": "token-name", // (1)
  "description": "Now with a revised description.", // (2)
  "personas": [], // (3)
  "personaQualifiedNames": [] // (4)
  1. You must provide the name for the token when updating it, in addition to its ID (GUID) in the request URL itself.
  2. You can provide updates to its description, for example.
  3. You must always send an empty personas array (this is now unused, but still required).
  4. You must also list personas to link the API token with, even if you do not send any you must send an empty list. If you do specify personas to link to the API token, use the qualified_name of the persona(s).

    Must be complete set you want linked to the API token

    Any personas you leave out of the set will be removed from the API token, if they are already associated with it. (Further, if you send an empty set or no value at all for personas in the update, then ALL linked personas will be removed from the token.)

Delete an API token

1.4.0 1.0.0

You can delete an API token by its GUID:

Delete an API token
ApiToken.delete("98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044"); // (1)
  1. Note that the GUID of an API token is not the same as its client ID. From an API token object, the getId() method will give you its GUID.


    Once deleted, the API token will be permanently removed and no longer usable.

Delete an API token
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

client = AtlanClient()
token = client.token.purge("98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044")  # (1)
  1. Note that the GUID of an API token is not the same as its client ID. From an API token object, the guid property will give you its GUID.


    Once deleted, the API token will be permanently removed and no longer usable.

Delete an API token
ApiToken.delete("98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044") // (1)
  1. Note that the GUID of an API token is not the same as its client ID. From an API token object, the getId() method will give you its GUID.


    Once deleted, the API token will be permanently removed and no longer usable.

DELETE /api/service/apikeys/98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044
// (1)
  1. The criteria for deleting an API token is entirely contained in the request URL. Note that the GUID of an API token is not the same as its client ID. From an API token response, the id property will give you its GUID.


    Once deleted, the API token will be permanently removed and no longer usable.

Give permissions to API token

As called out at the top of this page, API tokens are unique actors with their own privileges and permissions. For an API token to be able to interact with certain objects, they must be granted such permissions directly.

1.4.0 1.2.1

You can link an API token to a persona to give the API token all of the permissions granted by the policies within that persona.

Link an API token to persona(s)
AtlanClient client = Atlan.getDefaultClient();
client.apiTokens.update( // (1)
    "98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044", // (2)
    Set.of("default/aQi5KHtGwZYvxGnTSAYO8J")); // (3)
  1. Use the update() method on the apiTokens member of any client to link an API token with personas.
  2. You will need to provide both the GUID and the display name for the API token.
  3. You must also provide the complete set of personas that should be linked to the API token, using their qualifiedNames.

    Must be complete set you want linked to the API token

    Any personas you leave out of the set will be removed from the API token, if they are already associated with it. (Further, if you send an empty set or no value at all for personas in the update, then ALL linked personas will be removed from the token.)

Link an API token to persona(s)
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

client = AtlanClient()
client.token.update(  # (1)
    guid="98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044",  # (2)
    personas={"default/aQi5KHtGwZYvxGnTSAYO8J"},  # (3)
  1. Use token.update() to link an API token with personas.
  2. You will need to provide both the GUID and the display name for the API token.
  3. You must also provide the complete set of personas that should be linked to the API token, using their qualified_names.

    Must be complete set you want linked to the API token

    Any personas you leave out of the set will be removed from the API token, if they are already associated with it. (Further, if you send an empty set or no value at all for personas in the update, then ALL linked personas will be removed from the token.)

Link an API token to persona(s)
val client = Atlan.getDefaultClient()
client.apiTokens.update( // (1)
    "98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044",  // (2)
    setOf("default/aQi5KHtGwZYvxGnTSAYO8J")) // (3)
  1. Use the update() method on the apiTokens member of any client to link an API token with personas.
  2. You will need to provide both the GUID and the display name for the API token.
  3. You must also provide the complete set of personas that should be linked to the API token, using their qualifiedNames.

    Must be complete set you want linked to the API token

    Any personas you leave out of the set will be removed from the API token, if they are already associated with it. (Further, if you send an empty set or no value at all for personas in the update, then ALL linked personas will be removed from the token.)

POST /api/service/apikeys/98fb61da-eb8f-455e-b5ea-c022ee390044
  "displayName": "token-name", // (1)
  "description": "", // (2)
  "personas": [], // (3)
  "personaQualifiedNames": ["default/aQi5KHtGwZYvxGnTSAYO8J"] // (4)
  1. You must provide the name for the token when updating it, in addition to its ID (GUID) in the request URL itself.
  2. You must provide the description for the token. Even if you do not want it to have any description, you need to send an empty string.
  3. You must always send an empty personas array (this is now unused, but still required).
  4. You must also provide the complete set of personas that should be linked to the API token, using their qualified_names.

    Must be complete set you want linked to the API token

    Any personas you leave out of the set will be removed from the API token, if they are already associated with it. (Further, if you send an empty set or no value at all for personas in the update, then ALL linked personas will be removed from the token.)

Add an API token as a connection admin

1.4.0 1.2.0

For any actor to manage policies for a connection, that actor must be a connection admin on the connection. You must therefore add the API token as a connection admin to any connection you want it to be able to manage policies for.1

Must first obtain a user's bearer token

To carry out this operation, you must first obtain a user's bearer token. Specifically, you must obtain the bearer token for a user who is already a connection admin on the connection.

Add an API token as connection admin
List<Connection> connections = Connection.findByName(
Connection connection = connections.get(0); // (1)
String impersonationToken = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..."; // (2)
AssetMutationResponse response = connection.addApiTokenAsAdmin(impersonationToken); // (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the connection you want to add the API token to as a connection admin. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the connection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the .addApiTokenAsAdmin() method to add the API token as a connection admin.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as connection admin

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonationToken only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a connection admin. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as connection admin, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have connection admin permissions on this connection for the operation to succeed.)

Add an API token as connection admin
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient

connections = client.asset.find_connections_by_name(
    "development", AtlanConnectorType.BIGQUERY
connection = connections[0]  # (1)
impersonation_token = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..."  # (2)
response = client.user.add_as_admin(  # (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the connection you want to add the API token to as a connection admin. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the connection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the user.add_as_admin() method to add the API token as a connection admin, providing the GUID of the connection and the impersonation token.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as connection admin

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonation_token only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a connection admin. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as connection admin, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have connection admin permissions on this connection for the operation to succeed.)

Add an API token as connection admin
val connections = Connection.findByName(
val connection = connections[0] // (1)
val impersonationToken = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..." // (2)
val response = connection.addApiTokenAsAdmin(impersonationToken) // (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the connection you want to add the API token to as a connection admin. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the connection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the .addApiTokenAsAdmin() method to add the API token as a connection admin.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as connection admin

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonationToken only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a connection admin. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as connection admin, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have connection admin permissions on this connection for the operation to succeed.)

Not recommended

We do not recommend attempting this change through the Raw REST APIs as it requires a number of different API calls, carefully parsing the responses and combining elements, and has high potential for minor typos or copy/paste errors to cause mistakes.

Add an API token as a collection editor

1.4.0 1.2.0

As with connections, if you want an API token to be able to manage a query collection or the queries within it, you must add the API token as an editor on the collection.

Must first obtain a user's bearer token

To carry out this operation, you must first obtain a user's bearer token. Specifically, you must obtain the bearer token for a user who is already an editor on (or owner of) the query collection.

Add an API token as collection editor
List<AtlanCollection> collections = AtlanCollection.findByName(
    "My query collection");
AtlanCollection collection = collections.get(0); // (1)
String impersonationToken = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..."; // (2)
AssetMutationResponse response = collection.addApiTokenAsAdmin(impersonationToken); // (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the query collection you want to add the API token to as an editor. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the collection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the .addApiTokenAsAdmin() method to add the API token as a collection editor.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as collection editor

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonationToken only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a collection editor. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as collection editor, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have collection editor permissions on this collection for the operation to succeed.)

Add an API token as collection editor
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient
from pyatlan.model.assets import Collection
from pyatlan.model.fluent_search import FluentSearch

request = (
    .where(Collection.NAME.eq("My query collection"))
response =
collection = response.current_page()[0]  # (1)
impersonation_token = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..."  # (2)
response = client.user.add_as_admin(  # (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the query collection you want to add the API token to as a collection editor. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the collection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the user.add_as_admin() method to add the API token as a collection editor, providing the GUID of the collection and the impersonation token.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as collection editor

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonation_token only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a collection editor. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as collection editor, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have collection editor permissions on this collection for the operation to succeed.)

Add an API token as collection editor
val collections = AtlanCollection.findByName(
    "My query collection")
val collection = collections[0] // (1)
val impersonationToken = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..." // (2)
val response = collection.addApiTokenAsAdmin(impersonationToken) // (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the query collection you want to add the API token to as an editor. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the collection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the .addApiTokenAsAdmin() method to add the API token as a collection editor.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as collection editor

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonationToken only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a collection editor. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as collection editor, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have collection editor permissions on this collection for the operation to succeed.)

Not recommended

We do not recommend attempting this change through the Raw REST APIs as it requires a number of different API calls, carefully parsing the responses and combining elements, and has high potential for minor typos or copy/paste errors to cause mistakes.

Add an API token as a collection viewer

1.4.0 1.2.0

Alternatively, if you only want the API token to be able to view and run queries within a collection (but not change them), you can add the API token as a viewer on the collection.

Must first obtain a user's bearer token

To carry out this operation, you must first obtain a user's bearer token. Specifically, you must obtain the bearer token for a user who is already an editor on (or owner of) the query collection.

Add an API token as collection viewer
List<AtlanCollection> collections = AtlanCollection.findByName(
    "My query collection");
AtlanCollection collection = collections.get(0); // (1)
String impersonationToken = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..."; // (2)
AssetMutationResponse response = collection.addApiTokenAsViewer(impersonationToken); // (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the query collection you want to add the API token to as an viewer. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the collection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the .addApiTokenAsViewer() method to add the API token as a collection viewer.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as collection viewer

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonationToken only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a collection viewer. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as collection viewer, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have collection editor permissions on this collection for the operation to succeed.)

Add an API token as collection viewer
from pyatlan.client.atlan import AtlanClient
from pyatlan.model.assets import Collection
from pyatlan.model.fluent_search import FluentSearch

request = (
    .where(Collection.NAME.eq("My query collection"))
response =
collection = response.current_page()[0]  # (1)
impersonation_token = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..."  # (2)
response = client.user.add_as_viewer(  # (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the query collection you want to add the API token to as a collection viewer. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the collection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the user.add_as_admin() method to add the API token as a collection viewer, providing the GUID of the collection and the impersonation token.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as collection viewer

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonation_token only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a collection viewer. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as collection viewer, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have collection editor permissions on this collection for the operation to succeed.)

Add an API token as collection viewer
val collections = AtlanCollection.findByName(
    "My query collection")
val collection = collections[0] // (1)
val impersonationToken = "eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdx..." // (2)
val response = collection.addApiTokenAsViewer(impersonationToken) // (3)
  1. You will need to start by retrieving the query collection you want to add the API token to as an viewer. In this example, we use a search to retrieve the collection.
  2. You must use a user's bearer token as an impersonation token. (We would recommend capturing this in something like an environment variable rather than embedding directly in the code.)
  3. You can use the .addApiTokenAsViewer() method to add the API token as a collection viewer.

    Will add the API token, not impersonation token, as collection viewer

    Note that you are providing a user's bearer token as the impersonationToken only to give sufficient privileges to add the API token configured for the SDK as a collection viewer. It is the API token configured for the SDK that you're adding as collection viewer, not the user's bearer token. (The user's bearer token must already have collection editor permissions on this collection for the operation to succeed.)

Not recommended

We do not recommend attempting this change through the Raw REST APIs as it requires a number of different API calls, carefully parsing the responses and combining elements, and has high potential for minor typos or copy/paste errors to cause mistakes.

Obtain a user's bearer token

For a few of the operations above, there is a bit of a "catch-22". For example:

  • An API token cannot manage policies for a connection if it is not the connection admin.
  • An API token cannot be used to add itself as a connection admin.2
  • So how do you get an API token set up as a connection admin, without using an API token?

The answer is that you must use a user's own bearer token (temporarily) — specifically a user who already has the appropriate authority on the object. (In this example, a user who is already a connection admin on that connection.)

To do this, you'll need to3:

  1. Log in to Atlan as the user with the level of access required (e.g. the user who is a connection admin).
  2. Open the Developer Tools view of Chrome:
    1. Open the View menu,
    2. then Developer,
    3. then Developer Tools.
  3. Leave the Developer Tools window open, but change back to your original Atlan window.
  4. Navigate to the Assets page where you can discover assets.
  5. Return to the Developer Tools window and find any indexsearch item along the left:
    1. Right-click the indexsearch item,
    2. then Copy,
    3. then Copy as cURL.

Paste what this has copied into a text editor:4

Copied cURL
curl '' \
  -H 'authority:' \
  -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'accept-language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer eyNnCJd2T9Y8fEsbdxTgKQqyWFm7uNBvw55EjAIakh9Yrg3cdd1YoNMXr1LtFmreHfVrYrSRxCzUYcoJKASXovfBO5PnGZOWe8hAdxb7WqesNZS.TPFcWzwRLA2Aeb38iWBIAG3rrsTz7iyufecbPeLBLTZ2RjaweLji7PGIVz5Mj8G2bAIPM7tguCGbz...' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \

The details you need are on the highligted line 5, that begins with -H 'authorization: Bearer. You specifically want everything after the word Bearer, up to the final single quote (') at the end of the line. So in this example you would copy:


This is the user's own bearer token.

Has a limited lifespan

Be aware that the user's own bearer token will have a limited lifespan. At some point the user will be automatically logged out and will be asked to log in again, at which point this bearer token will have expired and need to be re-retrieved.

  1. The non-obvious exception to this rule is where the API token was used to create a connection in the first place. If you use an API token to create a connection, the API token is automatically set up as a connection admin for that connection as part of its creation. 

  2. Hopefully the reason is self-apparent, but for clarity, if this were possible then API tokens could be used to bypass the security inherent in connection administration (policy management for the connection and its assets). 

  3. The steps shown assume you are doing this via the Chrome browser. Similar methods should exist in other browsers; if you are facing difficulty, please reach out with which browser you are using and we can help you through. 

  4. While this example bearer token may "look" real, it is entirely made up of random numbers and letters. Do not try to use this example bearer token, as it is guaranteed not to work.