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Rules in the business policy

Complete reference

This is a complete reference for the BusinessPolicyRule struct in Atlan, showing all of its embedded properties. For an introduction, you probably want to start with:

  • Snippets — small, atomic examples of single-step use cases.
  • Patterns — walkthroughs of common multi-step implementation patterns.

Embedded properties

These are the attributes embedded within each instance of the BusinessPolicyRule struct in an asset:


business policy rule id we have to keep it hierarchical e.g. policyId_ruleId


Name for business policy rule it can be a display string to show on UI


business policy rule to make the ordering easier


operand in rule for business policy rule these can be attributes like certificateStatus, tags etc.


operator to apply in rule for business policy rule this can be must_be, must_not_be etc


value to validate for the operand against the operator for business policy rule.


es query for business policy rule in combination with filter DSL of policy