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Power BI PowerBI

Base class for Power BI assets.

Reference documentation

This is reference documentation covering the entire Atlan model. It is not the best place to start when trying to understand managing Power BI assets in Atlan. For that, we would suggest starting with either:

  • Snippets — small, atomic examples of single-step use cases.
  • Patterns — walkthroughs of common multi-step implementation patterns.
    direction RL
    class PowerBI {
    link PowerBI "../powerbi"
    class BI {
    link BI "../entities/bi"
    BI <|-- PowerBI : extends
    class Catalog {
    link Catalog "../entities/catalog"
    Catalog <|-- BI : extends
    class Asset {
    link Asset "../entities/asset"
    Asset <|-- Catalog : extends
    class Referenceable {
    link Referenceable "../entities/referenceable"
    Referenceable <|-- Asset : extends
    class PowerBIReport
    link PowerBIReport "../entities/powerbireport"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIReport : extends
    class PowerBIMeasure
    link PowerBIMeasure "../entities/powerbimeasure"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIMeasure : extends
    class PowerBIColumn
    link PowerBIColumn "../entities/powerbicolumn"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIColumn : extends
    class PowerBITable
    link PowerBITable "../entities/powerbitable"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBITable : extends
    class PowerBITile
    link PowerBITile "../entities/powerbitile"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBITile : extends
    class PowerBIDatasource
    link PowerBIDatasource "../entities/powerbidatasource"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIDatasource : extends
    class PowerBIWorkspace
    link PowerBIWorkspace "../entities/powerbiworkspace"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIWorkspace : extends
    class PowerBIDataset
    link PowerBIDataset "../entities/powerbidataset"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIDataset : extends
    class PowerBIDashboard
    link PowerBIDashboard "../entities/powerbidashboard"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIDashboard : extends
    class PowerBIDataflow
    link PowerBIDataflow "../entities/powerbidataflow"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIDataflow : extends
    class PowerBIPage
    link PowerBIPage "../entities/powerbipage"
    PowerBI <|-- PowerBIPage : extends


These attributes are specific to instances of PowerBI (and all of its subtypes).


Endorsement status of this asset, in Power BI.


Format of this asset, as specified in the FORMAT_STRING of the MDX cell property.


Whether this asset is hidden in Power BI (true) or not (false).


Unique name of the Power BI table in which this asset exists.


The following illustrates how the various Power BI objects inter-relate with each other:

    Connection ||..o{ PowerBIWorkspace : ""
    PowerBIWorkspace |o--o{ PowerBIDashboard : dashboards
    PowerBIWorkspace |o--o{ PowerBIDataflow : dataflows
    PowerBIWorkspace |o--o{ PowerBIDataset : datasets
    PowerBIWorkspace |o--o{ PowerBIReport : reports
    PowerBIDashboard |o--o{ PowerBITile : tiles
    PowerBIDataflow }o--o{ PowerBIDataset : datasets
    PowerBIDataset }o--o{ PowerBIDatasource : datasources
    PowerBIDataset |o--o{ PowerBIReport : reports
    PowerBIDataset |o--o{ PowerBITable : tables
    PowerBIDataset |o--o{ PowerBITile : tiles
    PowerBIReport |o--o{ PowerBIPage : pages
    PowerBIReport |o--o{ PowerBITile : tiles
    PowerBITable |o--o{ PowerBIColumn : columns
    PowerBITable |o--o{ PowerBIMeasure : measures