Instance of an attribute within a data model entity in Atlan.
Complete reference
This is a complete reference for the ModelAttribute
object in Atlan, showing every possible property and relationship that can exist for these objects. For an introduction, you probably want to start with:
inherits its attributes and relationships from these other types:
direction RL
class ModelAttribute
link ModelAttribute "../modelattribute"
class Model {
link Model "../model"
Model <|-- ModelAttribute : extends
class Catalog {
link Catalog "../catalog"
Catalog <|-- Model : extends
class Asset {
link Asset "../asset"
Asset <|-- Catalog : extends
class Referenceable {
link Referenceable "../referenceable"
Referenceable <|-- Asset : extends
Inherited properties
These attributes are inherited from ModelAttribute
's supertypes (shown above):
typeName ¶
Type of this asset.
guid ¶
Globally-unique identifier for this asset.
classifications ¶
Tags assigned to the asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
For more information, see the tag assets snippets.
businessAttributes ¶
Map of custom metadata attributes and values defined on the asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
For more information, see the change custom metadata snippets.
status ¶
Status of the asset. (1)
createdBy ¶
User or account that created the asset.
updatedBy ¶
User or account that last updated the asset.
createTime ¶
Time (epoch) at which the asset was created, in milliseconds.
updateTime ¶
Time (epoch) at which the asset was last updated, in milliseconds.
deleteHandler ¶
Details on the handler used for deletion of the asset. (1)
Treat as read-only
You should not try to set
on an asset. Instead, see the asset CRUD snippets on deleting assets.
classificationNames ¶
Hashed-string names of the Atlan tags that exist on the asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
Use classifications to make changes to tags.
isIncomplete ¶
meaningNames ¶
Human-readable names of terms that have been linked to this asset.
meanings ¶
Details of terms that have been linked to this asset. (1)
Do not use
These should not be used, as they can be inconsistent. Instead, see the link terms and assets snippets.
pendingTasks ¶
Unique identifiers (GUIDs) for any background tasks that are yet to operate on this asset.
qualifiedName ¶
Unique name for this asset. This is typically a concatenation of the asset's name onto its parent's qualifiedName. This must be unique across all assets of the same type.
adminGroups ¶
List of groups who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
adminRoles ¶
List of roles who administer this asset. (This is only used for Connection assets.)
adminUsers ¶
List of users who administer this asset. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
announcementMessage ¶
Detailed message to include in the announcement on this asset.
announcementTitle ¶
Brief title for the announcement on this asset. Required when announcementType is specified.
announcementType ¶
Type of announcement on this asset.
announcementUpdatedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the announcement was last updated, in milliseconds.
announcementUpdatedBy ¶
Name of the user who last updated the announcement.
applicationFieldQualifiedName ¶
Qualified name of the ApplicationField that contains this asset.
applicationQualifiedName ¶
Qualified name of the Application that contains this asset.
assetAnomaloAppliedCheckTypes ¶
All associated Anomalo check types.
assetAnomaloCheckCount ¶
Total number of checks present in Anomalo for this asset.
assetAnomaloCheckStatuses ¶
Stringified JSON object containing status of all Anomalo checks associated to this asset.
assetAnomaloDQStatus ¶
Status of data quality from Anomalo.
assetAnomaloFailedCheckCount ¶
Total number of checks failed in Anomalo for this asset.
assetAnomaloFailedCheckTypes ¶
All associated Anomalo failed check types.
assetAnomaloLastCheckRunAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the last check was run via Anomalo.
assetAnomaloSourceUrl ¶
URL of the source in Anomalo.
assetCoverImage ¶
assetDbtAccountName ¶
Name of the account in which this asset exists in dbt.
assetDbtAlias ¶
Alias of this asset in dbt.
assetDbtEnvironmentDbtVersion ¶
Version of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.
assetDbtEnvironmentName ¶
Name of the environment in which this asset is materialized in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRun ¶
Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt last ran, in milliseconds.
assetDbtJobLastRunArtifactS3Path ¶
Path in S3 to the artifacts saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunArtifactsSaved ¶
Whether artifacts were saved from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
assetDbtJobLastRunCreatedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last created, in milliseconds.
assetDbtJobLastRunDequedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was dequeued, in milliseconds.
assetDbtJobLastRunExecutedByThreadId ¶
Thread ID of the user who executed the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunGitBranch ¶
Branch in git from which the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt ran.
assetDbtJobLastRunGitSha ¶
SHA hash in git for the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunHasDocsGenerated ¶
Whether docs were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
assetDbtJobLastRunHasSourcesGenerated ¶
Whether sources were generated from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
assetDbtJobLastRunNotificationsSent ¶
Whether notifications were sent from the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt (true) or not (false).
assetDbtJobLastRunOwnerThreadId ¶
Thread ID of the owner of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDuration ¶
Total duration the job that materialized this asset in dbt spent being queued.
assetDbtJobLastRunQueuedDurationHumanized ¶
Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt spend being queued.
assetDbtJobLastRunRunDuration ¶
Run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunRunDurationHumanized ¶
Human-readable run duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunStartedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was started running, in milliseconds.
assetDbtJobLastRunStatusMessage ¶
Status message of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunTotalDuration ¶
Total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunTotalDurationHumanized ¶
Human-readable total duration of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobLastRunUpdatedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the job that materialized this asset in dbt was last updated, in milliseconds.
assetDbtJobLastRunUrl ¶
URL of the last run of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobName ¶
Name of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobNextRun ¶
Time (epoch) when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.
assetDbtJobNextRunHumanized ¶
Human-readable time when the next run of the job that materializes this asset in dbt is scheduled.
assetDbtJobSchedule ¶
Schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobScheduleCronHumanized ¶
Human-readable cron schedule of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtJobStatus ¶
Status of the job that materialized this asset in dbt.
assetDbtMeta ¶
Metadata for this asset in dbt, specifically everything under the 'meta' key in the dbt object.
assetDbtPackageName ¶
Name of the package in which this asset exists in dbt.
assetDbtProjectName ¶
Name of the project in which this asset exists in dbt.
assetDbtSemanticLayerProxyUrl ¶
URL of the semantic layer proxy for this asset in dbt.
assetDbtSourceFreshnessCriteria ¶
Freshness criteria for the source of this asset in dbt.
assetDbtTags ¶
List of tags attached to this asset in dbt.
assetDbtTestStatus ¶
All associated dbt test statuses.
assetDbtUniqueId ¶
Unique identifier of this asset in dbt.
assetDbtWorkflowLastUpdated ¶
Name of the DBT workflow in Atlan that last updated the asset.
assetIcon ¶
Name of the icon to use for this asset. (Only applies to glossaries, currently.)
assetMcAlertQualifiedNames ¶
List of unique Monte Carlo alert names attached to this asset.
assetMcIncidentNames ¶
List of Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.
assetMcIncidentPriorities ¶
List of Monte Carlo incident priorities associated with this asset.
assetMcIncidentQualifiedNames ¶
List of unique Monte Carlo incident names attached to this asset.
assetMcIncidentSeverities ¶
List of Monte Carlo incident severities associated with this asset.
assetMcIncidentStates ¶
List of Monte Carlo incident states associated with this asset.
assetMcIncidentSubTypes ¶
List of Monte Carlo incident sub-types associated with this asset.
assetMcIncidentTypes ¶
List of Monte Carlo incident types associated with this asset.
assetMcIsMonitored ¶
Tracks whether this asset is monitored by MC or not
assetMcLastSyncRunAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which this asset was last synced from Monte Carlo.
assetMcMonitorNames ¶
List of Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.
assetMcMonitorQualifiedNames ¶
List of unique Monte Carlo monitor names attached to this asset.
assetMcMonitorScheduleTypes ¶
Schedules of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.
assetMcMonitorStatuses ¶
Statuses of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.
assetMcMonitorTypes ¶
Types of all associated Monte Carlo monitors.
assetPoliciesCount ¶
Count of policies inside the asset
assetPolicyGUIDs ¶
Array of policy ids governing this asset
assetSodaCheckCount ¶
Number of checks done via Soda.
assetSodaCheckStatuses ¶
All associated Soda check statuses.
assetSodaDQStatus ¶
Status of data quality from Soda.
assetSodaLastScanAt ¶
assetSodaLastSyncRunAt ¶
assetSodaSourceURL ¶
assetTags ¶
List of tags attached to this asset.
assetThemeHex ¶
Color (in hexadecimal RGB) to use to represent this asset.
certificateStatus ¶
Status of this asset's certification.
certificateStatusMessage ¶
Human-readable descriptive message used to provide further detail to certificateStatus.
certificateUpdatedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which the certification was last updated, in milliseconds.
certificateUpdatedBy ¶
Name of the user who last updated the certification of this asset.
connectionName ¶
Simple name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.
connectionQualifiedName ¶
Unique name of the connection through which this asset is accessible.
connectorName ¶
Type of the connector through which this asset is accessible. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
dbtQualifiedName ¶
Unique name of this asset in dbt.
description ¶
Description of this asset, for example as crawled from a source. Fallback for display purposes, if userDescription is empty.
displayName ¶
Human-readable name of this asset used for display purposes (in user interface).
domainGUIDs ¶
Array of domain guids linked to this asset
hasContract ¶
Whether this asset has contract (true) or not (false).
__hasLineage ¶
Whether this asset has lineage (true) or not (false). (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
isAIGenerated ¶
isDiscoverable ¶
Whether this asset is discoverable through the UI (true) or not (false).
isEditable ¶
Whether this asset can be edited in the UI (true) or not (false).
isPartial ¶
lastRowChangedAt ¶
Time (epoch) of the last operation that inserted, updated, or deleted rows, in milliseconds.
lastSyncRun ¶
Name of the last run of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.
lastSyncRunAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which this asset was last crawled, in milliseconds.
lastSyncWorkflowName ¶
Name of the crawler that last synchronized this asset.
lexicographicalSortOrder ¶
Custom order for sorting purpose, managed by client
name ¶
Name of this asset. Fallback for display purposes, if displayName is empty.
nonCompliantAssetPolicyGUIDs ¶
Array of policy ids non-compliant to this asset
ownerGroups ¶
List of groups who own this asset.
ownerUsers ¶
List of users who own this asset.
popularityScore ¶
Popularity score for this asset.
sampleDataUrl ¶
URL for sample data for this asset.
sourceCostUnit ¶
The unit of measure for sourceTotalCost.
sourceCreatedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which this asset was created in the source system, in milliseconds.
sourceCreatedBy ¶
Name of the user who created this asset, in the source system.
sourceEmbedURL ¶
URL to create an embed for a resource (for example, an image of a dashboard) within Atlan.
sourceLastReadAt ¶
Timestamp of most recent read operation.
sourceOwners ¶
List of owners of this asset, in the source system.
sourceQueryComputeCostRecordList ¶
List of most expensive warehouses with extra insights. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceQueryComputeCostList ¶
List of most expensive warehouse names. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadCount ¶
Total count of all read operations at source.
sourceReadExpensiveQueryRecordList ¶
List of the most expensive queries that accessed this asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadPopularQueryRecordList ¶
List of the most popular queries that accessed this asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadQueryCost ¶
Total cost of read queries at source.
sourceReadRecentUserRecordList ¶
List of usernames with extra insights for the most recent users who read this asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadRecentUserList ¶
List of usernames of the most recent users who read this asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadSlowQueryRecordList ¶
List of the slowest queries that accessed this asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadTopUserRecordList ¶
List of usernames with extra insights for the users who read this asset the most. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadTopUserList ¶
List of usernames of the users who read this asset the most. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
sourceReadUserCount ¶
Total number of unique users that read data from asset.
sourceTotalCost ¶
Total cost of all operations at source.
sourceURL ¶
URL to the resource within the source application, used to create a button to view this asset in the source application.
sourceUpdatedAt ¶
Time (epoch) at which this asset was last updated in the source system, in milliseconds.
sourceUpdatedBy ¶
Name of the user who last updated this asset, in the source system.
starredBy ¶
Users who have starred this asset.
starredCount ¶
Number of users who have starred this asset.
starredDetailsList ¶
List of usernames with extra information of the users who have starred an asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
subType ¶
Subtype of this asset.
tenantId ¶
Name of the Atlan workspace in which this asset exists.
userDescription ¶
Description of this asset, as provided by a user. If present, this will be used for the description in user interface.
viewScore ¶
View score for this asset.
viewerGroups ¶
List of groups who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
viewerUsers ¶
List of users who can view assets contained in a collection. (This is only used for certain asset types.)
modelBusinessDate ¶
Business date for the asset.
modelDomain ¶
Model domain in which this asset exists.
modelEntityName ¶
Simple name of the entity in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model entity.
modelEntityQualifiedName ¶
Unique name of the entity in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model entity.
modelExpiredAtBusinessDate ¶
Business expiration date for the asset.
modelExpiredAtSystemDate ¶
System expiration date for the asset.
modelName ¶
Simple name of the model in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model.
modelNamespace ¶
Model namespace in which this asset exists.
modelQualifiedName ¶
Unique name of the model in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model.
modelSystemDate ¶
System date for the asset.
modelType ¶
Type of the model asset (conceptual, logical, physical).
modelVersionAgnosticQualifiedName ¶
Unique name of the parent in which this asset exists, irrespective of the version (always implies the latest version).
modelVersionName ¶
Simple name of the version in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model version.
modelVersionQualifiedName ¶
Unique name of the version in which this asset exists, or empty if it is itself a data model version.
These attributes are specific to instances of ModelAttribute
(and all of its subtypes).
modelAttributeDataType ¶
Type of the attribute.
modelAttributeHasRelationships ¶
When true, this attribute has relationships with other attributes.
modelAttributeIsDerived ¶
When true, the values in this attribute are derived data.
modelAttributeIsForeign ¶
When true, this attribute is a foreign key to another entity.
modelAttributeIsNullable ¶
When true, the values in this attribute can be null.
modelAttributeIsPrimary ¶
When true, this attribute forms the primary key for the entity.
modelAttributePrecision ¶
Precision of the attribute.
modelAttributeScale ¶
Scale of the attribute.
Inherited relationships
These relationships are inherited from ModelAttribute
's supertypes:
anomaloChecks (AnomaloCheck)¶
Checks that run on this asset.
application (Application)¶
Application asset containing this Asset.
applicationField (ApplicationField)¶
ApplicationField asset containing this Asset.
meanings (AtlasGlossaryTerm)¶
Glossary terms that are linked to this asset. (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
dataContractLatest (DataContract)¶
Latest version of the data contract (in any status) for this asset.
dataContractLatestCertified (DataContract)¶
Latest certified version of the data contract for this asset.
files (File)¶
inputPortDataProducts (DataProduct)¶
Data products for which this asset is an input port.
links (Link)¶
Links that are attached to this asset.
mcIncidents (MCIncident)¶
mcMonitors (MCMonitor)¶
Monitors that observe this asset.
metrics (Metric)¶
outputPortDataProducts (DataProduct)¶
Data products for which this asset is an output port.
readme (Readme)¶
README that is linked to this asset.
schemaRegistrySubjects (SchemaRegistrySubject)¶
sodaChecks (SodaCheck)¶
userDefRelationshipFrom (Referenceable)¶
TBC (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
userDefRelationshipTo (Referenceable)¶
TBC (1)
Uses a different name in SDKs
inputToAirflowTasks (AirflowTask)¶
Tasks to which this asset provides input.
inputToProcesses (Process)¶
Processes to which this asset provides input.
inputToSparkJobs (SparkJob)¶
modelImplementedAttributes (ModelAttribute)¶
Attributes implemented by this asset.
modelImplementedEntities (ModelEntity)¶
Entities implemented by this asset.
outputFromAirflowTasks (AirflowTask)¶
Tasks from which this asset is output.
outputFromProcesses (Process)¶
Processes from which this asset is produced as output.
outputFromSparkJobs (SparkJob)¶
These relationships are specific to instances of ModelAttribute
(and all of its subtypes).
modelAttributeEntities (ModelEntity)¶
Entity (or versions of an entity) in which this attribute exists.
modelAttributeImplementedByAssets (Catalog)¶
Assets that implement this attribute.
modelAttributeMappedFromAttributes (ModelAttribute)¶
Attributes from which this attribute is mapped.
modelAttributeMappedToAttributes (ModelAttribute)¶
Attributes to which this attribute is mapped.
modelAttributeRelatedFromAttributes (ModelAttributeAssociation)¶
Association from which this attribute is related.
modelAttributeRelatedToAttributes (ModelAttributeAssociation)¶
Association to which this attribute is related.