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These are the model elements in Atlan related to Cosmos MongoDB.

Reference documentation

This is reference documentation covering the entire Atlan model. It is not the best place to start when trying to understand how to manage Cogmos MongoDB assets in Atlan. For that, we would suggest starting with either:

  • Snippets — small, atomic examples of single-step use cases.
  • Patterns — walkthroughs of common multi-step implementation patterns.
    direction RL
    class CosmosMongoDB {
    link CosmosMongoDB "../cosmosmongodb"
    class NoSQL {
    link NoSQL "../nosql"
    NoSQL <|-- CosmosMongoDB : extends
    class Catalog {
    link Catalog "../catalog"
    Catalog <|-- NoSQL : extends
    class Asset {
    link Asset "../asset"
    Asset <|-- Catalog : extends
    class Referenceable {
    link Referenceable "../referenceable"
    Referenceable <|-- Asset : extends
    SQL <|-- Database : extends
    class SQL {
    link SQL "../entities/sql"
    SQL <|-- Table : extends
    Catalog <|-- SQL : extends
    NoSQL <|-- MongoDB : extends
    class MongoDBCollection
    link MongoDBCollection "../entities/mongodbcollection"
    MongoDB <|-- MongoDBCollection : extends
    Table <|-- MongoDBCollection : extends
    class CosmosMongoDBCollection
    link CosmosMongoDBCollection "../entities/cosmosmongodbcollection"
    MongoDBCollection <|-- CosmosMongoDBCollection : extends
    CosmosMongoDB <|-- CosmosMongoDBCollection : extends
    class MongoDBDatabase
    link MongoDBDatabase "../entities/mongodbdatabase"
    Database <|-- MongoDBDatabase : extends
    MongoDB <|-- MongoDBDatabase : extends
    class CosmosMongoDBDatabase
    link CosmosMongoDBDatabase "../entities/cosmosmongodbdatabase"
    MongoDBDatabase <|-- CosmosMongoDBDatabase : extends
    CosmosMongoDB <|-- CosmosMongoDBDatabase : extends


The following illustrates how the various MongoDB objects inter-relate with each other:

    Connection ||..o{ CosmosMongoDBDatabase : ""
    CosmosMongoDBDatabase |o--o{ CosmosMongoDBCollection : cosmosMongoDBCollections
    CosmosMongoDBCollection |o--o{ Column : columns