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Base class for all Anaplan types.

Complete reference

This is a complete reference for the Anaplan object in Atlan, showing every possible property and relationship that can exist for these objects. For an introduction, you probably want to start with:

  • Snippets — small, atomic examples of single-step use cases.
  • Patterns — walkthroughs of common multi-step implementation patterns.

Anaplan inherits its attributes and relationships from these other types:

    direction RL
    class AnaplanPage
    link AnaplanPage "../entities/anaplanpage"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanPage : extends
    class AnaplanList
    link AnaplanList "../entities/anaplanlist"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanList : extends
    class AnaplanLineItem
    link AnaplanLineItem "../entities/anaplanlineitem"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanLineItem : extends
    class AnaplanWorkspace
    link AnaplanWorkspace "../entities/anaplanworkspace"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanWorkspace : extends
    class AnaplanModule
    link AnaplanModule "../entities/anaplanmodule"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanModule : extends
    class AnaplanModel
    link AnaplanModel "../entities/anaplanmodel"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanModel : extends
    class AnaplanApp
    link AnaplanApp "../entities/anaplanapp"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanApp : extends
    class AnaplanSystemDimension
    link AnaplanSystemDimension "../entities/anaplansystemdimension"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanSystemDimension : extends
    class AnaplanDimension
    link AnaplanDimension "../entities/anaplandimension"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanDimension : extends
    class AnaplanView
    link AnaplanView "../entities/anaplanview"
    Anaplan <|-- AnaplanView : extends
    class Anaplan {
    link Anaplan "../anaplan"
    class BI {
    link BI "../entities/bi"
    BI <|-- Anaplan : extends
    class Catalog {
    link Catalog "../entities/catalog"
    Catalog <|-- BI : extends
    class Asset {
    link Asset "../entities/asset"
    Asset <|-- Catalog : extends
    class Referenceable {
    link Referenceable "../entities/referenceable"
    Referenceable <|-- Asset : extends


These attributes are specific to instances of Anaplan (and all of its subtypes).


Simple name of the AnaplanModel asset that contains this asset(AnaplanModule and everthing under it's hierarchy).


Unique name of the AnaplanModel asset that contains this asset(AnaplanModule and everthing under it's hierarchy).


Simple name of the AnaplanModule asset that contains this asset(AnaplanLineItem, AnaplanList, AnaplanView and everthing under their hierarchy).


Unique name of the AnaplanModule asset that contains this asset(AnaplanLineItem, AnaplanList, AnaplanView and everthing under their hierarchy).


Id/Guid of the Anaplan asset in the source system.


Simple name of the AnaplanWorkspace asset that contains this asset(AnaplanModel and everthing under it's hierarchy).


Unique name of the AnaplanWorkspace asset that contains this asset(AnaplanModel and everthing under it's hierarchy).


The following illustrates how the various Anomalo objects inter-relate with each other:

    Connection ||..o{ AnaplanWorkspace : ""
    Connection ||..o{ AnaplanSystemDimension : ""
    Connection ||..o{ AnaplanApp : ""
    AnaplanApp ||--o{ AnaplanPage : anaplanPages
    AnaplanPage o|..o| AnaplanModel : ""
    AnaplanWorkspace ||--o{ AnaplanModel : anaplanModels
    AnaplanModel ||--o{ AnaplanDimension : anaplanDimensions
    AnaplanModel ||--o{ AnaplanModule : anaplanModules
    AnaplanModel ||--o{ AnaplanList : anaplanLists
    AnaplanModule ||--o{ AnaplanLineItem : anaplanLineItems
    AnaplanModule ||--o{ AnaplanView : anaplanViews
    AnaplanList o|..o| AnaplanLineItem : ""
    AnaplanDimension o|..o| AnaplanLineItem : ""
    AnaplanDimension o|..o| AnaplanView : "Row/Column/Page"